
Posts Tagged ‘holidays’

Holiday Ramblings

December 22, 2008 Leave a comment

It’s a few days before Christmas and I’m here in TN enjoying spending some time with my in-laws.  It’s always nice to visit Bristol even if it’s bitter cold (16degrees currently).  Having family around is always relaxing (or distracting when all the kids, 4, are running around).  I’m away from work long enough at this point that I’m very relaxed.  Yesterday I took a nap for the first time in I don’t know how long.  Not a fall asleep watching the game nap, but a honest to goodness nap.  It was everything that I dreamed it could be.  My son is enamored (more than usual) with his Grandmother and wants not much to do with Mommy and Daddy.  This gives us even more time to relax.  So this evening I’m watching a bit of hockey, a bit of football and playing on the computer.  The only things missing is a glass of scotch and a warm cat on my lap (and a dog at my feet).  I think of all my friends and hope they are as happy, warm and content as I am right now.  Holidays are a time to be thankful and I certainly am.

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